Simple robot rigged free download
This site is offering you with the free rigs collected from different sources through out the internet.
this specific rig offers you with the funcationality of animation within seconds of download.
before download please be reminded that we do not own the rig and some images , they are cc-by liscensed rig from blendswap ,uploaded with rights of liscense
This rig is liscensed under cc-by liscense , to learn more about the liscense please visit:
Short overview of liscense: cc-by liscesne allows you to download and use it for any commercial or non commercial purpose till you credit the original creator everywhere.
All the credits of the rigs goes to "poll"
Description of the rig:
The robot rig is very user friendly and easy to use, it is custom made rig for the robot model.Which means that it doesnot uses auto rigger such as rigify or mixamo. this is fantastic because of the character being custom and requires custom functionaliy and needs of character is inhumane.The original character was prepared in blender 2.6, which is very old version so some functionality maynot work the way you wanted. but then blender is very good at opening old files in new version so you wont face much of problems. the model has well made topology and well made body proportions .also it uses custom shapes for the rig ,making the animation process fun and interactive
the rig contains ik controls in both hands and legs ,it is very easy to use and the rig is made as easy as possible to be animated. however please be reminded that the rig doesnot contains fk controls or the ik-fk switch for both hands and legs. if you are also rigger then you can contribute to the rig by uploading ik-fk switch controls for the rig
the rig has a lots of custom functionality and controls with constrains, such as bending constrains is made realistic to work with the rig, the rig functions and has contrains just like that of robot. the rig also has a small eye controls to animate the mechanical eye in a interactive way.its the only face control available for this robot rig
since the rig was made in blender 2.6 , it doesnot contains any special materials or something optimized for the cycles or eevee, it contains material made for the render engine named "blender internal" which was discontiued after blender 2.8. however you can create material or texture for the character really easily, all the geometry are assigned to the material , now you just have to click on use node and the material can be made to your liking
the rig is barely mid poly , in the terms of rigs and characters 64k vertices is considered really high so please make sure you have enough computing power to run the rig in 24 fps, if not then i will recommend you to not download the rig, or as an alternative you can also modify the rig and reduce the veritces count, for those who have decent computer then you may continue with the rig
Download section
the download is made possible with the help of google drive link, as we dont have a separate server or dedicated server till now, we will soon be using a dedicated server or other services for download
the download link is totally safe and contains only one blend file , you can download and open it instantly , we have used blender 3.0 to upload the file but it should work perfectly ok with any blender version
download the rig below
additionally please check out our youtube channel where i will upload some tutorial on animation