Zombie dog rigged and textured free download
This site is offering you with the free rigs collected from different sources through out the internet.
this specific rig offers you with the funcationality of animation within seconds of download.Please be noted that we do not own the rig fully , some of the rigs in this site are collected from other site after permission of cc-0 and cc-by liscense. so you can be assured with the liscense
This rig is liscensed under cc-by liscense , to learn more about the liscense please visit:https://creativecommons.org/
Short overview of liscense: cc-by liscesne allows you to download and use it for any commercial or non commercial purpose till you credit the original creator everywhere.
This dog model and texturing is done by "Long nguyen" and the model is collected from the site sketchfab:https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/zombie-dog-a0570f82ac974a6bb3214364b0e2b16d
However the rig is done by us. Please make sure to give credit to both site ,ie : sketch fab and our site with the link as it is CC-BY.
Description of rigThis rig is made using rigify animal rig preset. the rig is easy responsive and simple to use, it contains all the ik, fk control as availabe on the rigify.
The typical layer feature can be used to unlock more feature or can be hidden to make the rig more simple and easy to use. you can find this menu in the n pannel.
More flexiblility made possible by rigify rigging system ,can be used to optimize the feature of rigs and according to the need of animator they can be adjusted. one important feature of ik-fk switch can also be used in the same menu. this can be accessed in the n pannel
Talking more about the rig, the rig is very easy as well as light weighted. the model has got bad topology making rig abit prone to minor weight issues. still the rig is lightweight and has extremely low vertices count.
With over only 4000 veritices the rig is useable in almost any computer system that you have , the animation can also be played at full 24 fps due to its low vertices count
Download section
the download is made possible with the help of google drive link, as we dont have a separate server or dedicated server till now, we will soon be using a dedicated server or other services for download
the download link is totally safe and contains only one blend file , you can download and open it instantly , we have used blender 3.0 to upload the file but it should work perfectly ok with any blender version
download the rig below
additionally please check out our youtube channel where I will upload some tutorial on animation