This is a refreshed rendition of Cartoon Guy for certain progressions upon demands that have been made.
This character is liscensed under cc-0. Learn more about liscense here:
In short cc0 liscense means that you can use it for any purpose without any restriction, you can use it for any tasks such as commercial use without having permission from the owner. In a way this character is fully yours forever and every aspect of this files
A portion of the adjustments include:
New face rig slider UI by means of the N(property) board of the 3D view shown when jaw is chosen
Eye target lock control and understudy shrivel controls shown when eye target is chosen
A third control for every eyebrow
2 Light arrangements and a camera that really highlights the person
Discretionary IK stretch for arms and legs
Additional controls for cartoony disfigurements
Stretchy neck and middle
Additional spine controls
Assuming I missed any of the recommended changes or you consider something different that would be cool in the apparatus I'll make an honest effort to get it going.
Download from here: the download page is totally safe ,it will direct you to our google drive location form where you can download it and it will be only the blend file no zip or other formats .just download,open and enjoy the rig
Hello everyone thanks for visiting this site , this site is made for you to download and use free character from our character library, keep visiting our site for brand new rigs for blender and we try to upload as many as we could in this site so you guys could take it for free and use it in your animation practiseExtra we also have a youtube channel where we sometimes upload tutorials related to animation on demand so consider checking it out as well we really appreciate the support we get on our youtube channel: