Download character for free cc-0 liscense
Hello everyone thanks for visiting this site ,this site offers you with various rigs for animation practise and film production. all the character in this site is completely free to use and modify to your liking except some characters are cc-by which means you must credit to the original creator if you want to use it in some ways
This toon character is made by me and the good thing is that it is cc-0 and the bad thing is that its not perfect ,so there is mark and warning stating that its not for the production purpose and you can use it in production at your own risk
learn more about the cc-0 liscense here:
cc-0 in short means that you can use it without any limitation
This rig is extremely simple and easy to use as it is made with the help of rigify and for the face its just a facial texture which can be changed with the help of controller given at the side
How to change the face expression
just go to pose mode with the side controller selected and move the controller in x or z axis from the front view
about :
the texture in the rig is just simple material with constant color which gives a sort of toon like looks,the character is simple and fast to render.
The character is extremely low poly with about only 2 thousand vertices so almost any computer can handle the character with full 24 fps playback
This rig contains both ik-fk switch controls and easy to use interface of rigify :
Extra we also have a youtube channel where we sometimes upload tutorials related to animation on demand so consider checking it out as well we really appreciate the support we get on our youtube channel:
Enjoy the rig:
Download here: Download
if you have any query or issue related to the rig then feel free to contact us under the contact us page or if you need any help related the rig or other question then feel free to ask us we will try our best to contact whenever possible and fast as possible
As you all know we collect and post the rig in this website from different people but those rigs have certain limitation ,such as some rigs you use will require you to credit the creator but all of our own rigs doesnt require that. How ever note that our rigs are mostly rigify and they might not be perfect at everything like the professional's rigs but you can customize the rig your way
Thank you!