Free to use and fully animation ready rig

This rig is under cc-by liscense learn more about cc-by liscense here:

In short cc-by liscense means that you can use and modify this character as long as you credit the creator, so please when you are using it for games,films or any other puropose credit the user here:

This is an amazing and simple rig designed for the puropse of practising animation as the simple structure allows you to practise body mechanics and also simple face rig is present

the rig is simple and easy to use so any begineer can workaround with the rig really simple and also it has custom shapes for the rig making it extremely easy to navigate around the rig

The rig is perfectly weight painted and its tested ,and we have not found any sort of bugs or error in this rig its totally free and bug free rig for everyone to use

If you find any error or you are having any difficulty in using rig then feel free to contact us for any sort of queries we will try to answer your questions as fast as possible and in time

the body proportion and look of character is also extremely insane and the body model is relly well made with perfect topology, the rig was originally made with blender 2.6 but its optimized and useable for the blender 3 or above

this image shows all the
features of the rig that can be customized and used according to the need of 

Extra we also have a youtube channel where we sometimes upload tutorials related to animation on demand so consider checking it out as well we really appreciate the support we get on our youtube channel:

This rig contains a lots of features and controls as shown in above image making the animation process really amazing and according to the need of user and the demand of the projects or work, this contains things like ik-fk switch,stretch controls etc and a lots of other roll,orientation controls are available for each body part

you can download the rig below


the download page is totally safe and secure ,it directs you to our google drive page and download option will be availabe ,no redirecting straight blend file can be viewed and downloaded after download you can open the file and start using it