Character by samsmie
This character is liscensed under cc-0. Learn more about liscense here:
In short cc0 liscense means that you can use it for any purpose without any restriction, you can use it for any tasks such as commercial use without having permission from the owner. In a way this character is fully yours forever and every aspect of this files
This amazing rig is more based on toon shader and gives you with cartoonish look making it great if you want to make toon style artwork and animation, this character is rigged with the help of rigify addon which you all are familiar with so its extremely easy to animate.
This contains:
-IK-FK switch
if you dont know what is ik-fk then its just the type of control you want in the hand and legs,two types of controls are useful in different scenerio ,just watch some yt video to learn more in depth about it
-Full facial rig
facial rig is also just the part of the rigify so you should be familiar with each and every controls
-Fancy props
-Ik stretch,tweaks and secondary controls
If you are facing any type of problem regarding using this rig then you can contact us or the creator of this rig for the help, also let us know how is the rig
Download the rig below
the download page is totally safe ,it will direct you to our google drive location form where you can download it and it will be only the blend file no zip or other formats .just download,open and enjoy the rig
Extra we also have a youtube channel where we sometimes upload tutorials related to animation on demand so consider checking it out as well we really appreciate the support we get on our youtube channel: